Resume Services

Services Img
Recent Grad / Entry Level with 0-2 Years of Work Experience
Investment | $297

Professionally written by a certified résumé writer

  • Custom résumé unique to your skills and career goals
  • Keyword-rich to match job postings
  • Optimized to pass recruiters’ screening software
  • Provided in Word and PDF format

Delivered in 7 business days | No Refunds

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Services Img
Mid-Career / Professional Résumé
Investment | $397

Professionally written by a certified résumé writer

  • Custom résumé unique to your skills and career goals
  • Keyword-rich to match job postings
  • Optimized to pass recruiters’ screening software
  • Provided in Word and PDF format

Cover Letter Additional: $189

Delivered in 7 business days | No Refunds

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Services Img
Executive Level Résumé
Investment | $597

Professionally written by a certified résumé writer

  • Custom résumé unique to your skills and career goals
  • Keyword-rich to match job postings
  • Optimized to pass recruiters’ screening software
  • Provided in Word and PDF format

Cover letter for one target job title | Cover Letter Additional: $189

  • Expertly written to capture an employer’s attention
  • Showcases your unique value proposition
  • Provides a compelling call to action

Reference page included with Executive Level Résumé

  • Reference page enhanced to match the design of your résumé
  • References listed on page in alpha order
  • Provided in Word and PDF format

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Expedited Delivery $100 Extra | No Refunds on any of the above services

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