My Story

My Story

I was able to get countless interviews upon graduating from college, but had a very difficult time actually getting a job offer. Like most career-bound students, I never had job search or interview training or coaching, so I thought I was doing and saying all the right things. Far from it! It wasn’t until I interview role-played with one of my professors that I realized my answers to key interview questions was a major obstacle in getting offered a job. It wasn’t all my fault – I didn’t have the knowledge to play the job search game appropriately. At that moment, I made the decision to make it my duty to share with others the secrets to winning the job search game. I wrote my book, Need a Job? Then, Do SUMthing as a way to communicate my unique approach for walking students through a series of steps for developing a custom career game plan built around their specific goals and career aspirations. Today, above all else, a student’s ability to confidently master the job interview needs to be systematic to be successful. The book is all about providing career-bound students with the tools they need to snag their perfect job.

Every day I’m on a mission to help people obtain their dream job, get promoted or get a raise.


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