Tiffany Lewis Bio

Tiffany Lewis Bio

Tiffany Lewis, Founder and CEO of Careers in Bloom, Certified Professional Résumé Writer, John Maxwell Certified Speaker and Coach, and author of “Need a Job? Then, Do SUMthing!” Passion about propelling busy professionals and executives seeking to secure career fulfillment.

Tiffany guides busy executives and professionals with the right techniques through which they can present their stand and worth effectively to prospective employers. How does Tiffany achieve this? She effectively helps clients master the job interview and arm them with a well-crafted résumé that targets their career-love. She speaks around the world and has worked with countless organizations: Zepf Center, ProMedica, Toledo School of Nursing, The University of Toledo, Job & Family Services, Sinclair Community College, ProMedica, and Clarence Smith’s Community Chorus, to name a few.

Tiffany Lewis’ educational background include a Dale Carnegie graduate and a recipient of the Daniel B. Neusome academic award, other several degrees to her credit. She possesses a ‘Masters of Education’ degree from the University of Toledo and holds a ‘Licensed Elder Credential’ with the International Bible Way Church of Jesus Christ, Inc.

Tiffany Lewis married the love her life – Quincy Lewis. She is a devoted wife, stepmother of three, step “grand-T” of five. Daily her mission is to put into practice as stated in James 1:22, but be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.


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